Topics and Where we CanUse of HTML &HTML5, CSS & CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript technologies

By 1War Company - July 28, 2023
Topics and Where we CanUse of HTML &HTML5, CSS & CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript technologies

Topics and where we Can Use of HTML &HTML5, CSS & CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript technologies

We will go One By one by one



Bootstrap 5


JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

  • React
  • Angular (we will discuss later)


Here in html, we will talk about Elements and Tags, inline and internal styles will discuss on CSS cause Indepth implementation of web pages will be there.......

  • Basics of Web, w3c, Internet, TCP, IP, Protocols, Email/Webmail, SMTP, MIME, HTTP/HTTPs, URL, Browsers, DOM, Webpage, Website, Full Stack,
  • Tags and Elements
  • Notepad, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm
  • file extensions
  • file connections

1. Online Mail Communications
2. Offline Mail Communications

  • html, head, body
  • meta tags
  • comments
  • Heading and Paragraph
  • lists, unordered lists, order lists
  • forms and frames, input, type, placeholder, name,
  • br, hr tags
  • images
  • div, span tags
  • Geo location
  • Drag and Drop, Canvas
  • Links
  • Marquee tag
  • Semantics

CSS & CSS3:-

  • Selectors
  • Background
  • CSS Units
  • Properties
  • List Styles
  • Border and Card Styles
  • Table Styles
  • Grid system
  • Hover and Cursors
  • Image Styles
  • Button Styles
  • Link Styles
  • Font Styles
  • Animations

Bootstrap 5: - 

Here we are going to discuss about bootstrap version 5

  • Forms
  • Grid
  • Images
  • Background Colours
  • Display and layout
  • Table
  • Responsive Layout

JavaScript: -

ES6, ES7 and Typescript language also Plus, cause more company uses it,  ts as like as js but it strictly typed language

  • Dynamic Web page
  • Events
  • Variables
  • Data Types
  • Operators
  • Loops
  • Conditions and Statements
  • Flow Controls
  • Functions
  • Modules
  • Events
  • Exceptions
  • Functions Vs Classes
  • OOP Concept
  •          Objects, Class, Properties, Methods, Constructor, Accesors, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • Form Validations
  • Regular Expression

JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks: -

React Js: -

  • React in Existing Application
  • CDN Links
  • React Request Flow
  • Jsx
  • React Components
  • Inline Styles
  • Importing Components and other library files and components
  • Nested Components
  • Importing Final Component To src/index.js
  • Importing CSS modules
  • Bootstrap with React
  • { }, ( ), <>, </>, <img/>
  • React Hooks

   Data/Design/Events Binding

  • Data /Content Binding and fetching
  • Data Binding, one way, two way data binding
  • Style and Class Binding
  • API


  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events
  • Button Events
  • Form Events
  • Clipboard Events
  • Element State Events
  • Touch Events
  • Timer Events

  Math Components:-

  • EMI, BMI Components
  • Invoice Generator
  • HMS, CMS, BMS and other management System that involves various Businesses.

  • Component Props and State
  • Class Components
  • Class Events
  • Component Life Cycle Hooks
  • React Hooks           .useState(), useEffect(), useContext(), useReducer()
  • React Custom Hooks
  • Forms, Form Validations, Formik Components
  • React Routing
  • Cookies in React
  • Redux with React
  • Web Pack
  • Testing

MERN Stack

  • Crud Operations
  • E-com Store

One Real Time Project:-

  • E-com Store

Will see on next episode....